Thursday, May 2

One Down, Three To Go

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Hosni Mubarak

Hosni Mubarak

It could not have ended any other way. After jerking around his whole country yesterday, Egyptian Dictator Hosni Mubarak relinquished power this afternoon. I’m guessing he did so with an MP5 pointed at the back of his head, but this could be one of those times that a military coup will be beneficial to the general population. I want to congratulate the citizens of Egypt on this tremendous victory and wish them the best of luck in creating a viable democracy where only totalitarian terror has reigned. Hopefully the United States and other western countries with experience in building democratic regimes can help the disaffected Egyptians create a viable political system. The successes in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall show that dictatorial regimes can be replaced if the host countries are given a nudge in the right direction.

Egypt has long been a trendsetter in the Middle East, so any major political changes in that country will surely spill over into the larger region. We’ve already seen the Yemeni people trying to take control of their futures and garnering some modest success in the matter. If Egypt and littler nations like Yemen and Tunisia can prove it is possible, then, with any luck, these will be the next three governments on the chopping block:


Muammar al-Gaddafi

Muammar al-Gaddafi

Anyone alive and watching the news in the ‘80s remembers the name Muammar al-Gaddafi. This mentally deranged despot has ruled Libya with an iron fist since 1969. As grand high poobah of Libya he has openly orchestrated terrorist plots against western nations. The most famous is the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 which crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland.

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  1. Nice article – although i cannot think of a muslim democracy ever existing aside from iraq and in future afganistan. democracy is in direct conflict to the koran.

    my concern is the muslim brotherhood – aka the community organizers of the middle east!

  2. At least in Iran Transsexual are protected by a fatwa, In Canada it is legal to molest transsexuals as Canada is based on case law not on the Criminal code. I was molested in 2009 and the local courts said that grabbing my breast is not a criminal offence, because I am not a real woman. This decsion was based on an earlier decsion in Ontario’s supreme court. Since I was not the victim in the original case I cannot contest the that decsion which is what the decsion in my case was based on. I would love to live in Iran I am tired of being molested. Recently a man grabbed my breast so hard he left bruises. I pushed him away and he fell down I did not report this because I am afraid. Then about two weeks ago I was approached in a mall parking lot by a police officer who told me if I pushed someone down again that they the Waterloo Regional Police Service will arrest me for assault. I told him what happened and he told me that the court said it was legal and I should act like a man.