Wednesday, May 1

Unfunded Pension Woes Will Sink Public Sector Unions

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#6 Jacksonville
Current Mayor: John Peyton (Republican in office since 2003)
Preceded by Ed Austin Jr. who switched his party from Democrat to Republican during his 1991-1995 term in office
Streak of Democrat Mayors before 1993: unbroken since 1888!
Unfunded liability: $4 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $12,994
Solvency horizon: 2020

#5 St. Paul
Current Mayor: Chris Coleman (Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party in office since 2006)
DFL has dominated St Paul since 1972, sometimes running as DFL/Democrat.
Streak of Democrat Mayors before 1972: unbroken since 1926.
Unfunded liability: $1.4 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $13,686
Solvency horizon: 2020
Note: These numbers refer to St. Paul’s largest pension, a teachers fund.

#4 Cincinnati
Current Mayor: Mark Mallory
Streak of Democrat or Charty Party Mayors: unbroken since 1971
Unfunded liability: $2 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $15,681
Solvency horizon: 2020

#3 Boston
Current Mayor: Thomas Menino
Streak of Democrat Mayors: since 1902 (with only two exceptions, totaling 6 years collectively)
Unfunded liability: $7.5 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $30,901
Solvency horizon: 2019

#2 Chicago
Current Mayor: Richard Daley
Streak of Democrat Mayors: unbroken since 1931
Unfunded liability: $44.8 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $41,966
Solvency horizon: 2019

#1 Philadelphia
Current Mayor: Michael Nutter
Streak of Democrat Mayors: unbroken since 1952
Unfunded liability: $9 billion
Unfunded liability per household: $16,690
Solvency horizon: 2015

The ironic part is that one of the DNC’s staunchest allies will probably take the nastiest hit in this fiscal crisis. Unions, some of the most vocal supporters of the Democrat’s philosophy, are about to get stomped on by the same bloated, big government concepts that they have overwhelmingly supported for decades. They somehow believed that the big government thieves who keep taking more and more of our taxes to do less and less work would exempt the unions from their wholesale fleecing of America.

(Well, some of them are getting out of the new Health Care initiative, but that’s a whole other story… )

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